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Getting started with News

How to write, publish and promote News posts

Julian Morency avatar
Written by Julian Morency
Updated over a week ago

What is News?

News is where you tell your story. Whether you’re sharing milestones, making announcements or generally keeping people in the know – News helps you broadcast content across your company, sitting right at the top of the dashboard when they log in. And, just to make sure they get the message, you can push content to users through in-app, email and Zapier notifications.

Creating News content

To create a new post, you'll need to navigate to News in the sidebar.  
The editor works just like a normal CMS, so you should have no problems here (and yes, it does support emojis). Please note: you can embed media (like videos) by clicking the add media button.

Adding a Featured image

We recommend that you keep your Featured image in a 2:1 aspect ratio (like 720 x 360 px) to avoid cropping on the dashboard. 

Sending notifications

To promote your blog post, enable Notifications. This will send out an email announcing your blog post. You can set target recipients by group, location or department. 

Adding a comments section

To increase engagement, we recommend you enable Comments. These appear at the bottom of your published article as shown below.

Publishing your blog

Next, toggle Visible to all. You'll notice the Change published date menu will appear. Twine displays blog posts chronology, so this feature can be used to re-order your blog post on the dashboard.  

To publish, press Save post.

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