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Integrating with Zapier

Integrate Twine with 1500+ different apps

Julian Morency avatar
Written by Julian Morency
Updated over a week ago

You can send Twine notifications to over 1500 different apps – all thanks to Zapier. 

How it works

When you publish a blog post in Twine, notifications are sent to your users. Then, Twine sends that notification to your Zapier account. Then, Zapier forwards that notification on to somewhere else – it could be your Slack, Yammer or even your Trello account. 

Think of Zapier as the 'middleman'.

You can view a full list of destinations here:

Case Study – connecting Twine to Slack via Zapier

Below I'll walk you through how to use Zapier to integrate Twine with your Slack account. If you're new to Zapier, you'll need to set up an account at Then, you'll need to invite Twine to your account.

Please note: we'll be setting up Zapier to send Twine notifications as personal messages to users in Slack. You will not be able to send notifications to a Slack Channel.

Connecting Twine to Zapier

Once you're all set up, click big orange button in the top right that says Make a zap

Then, search for Twine where it says Choose a trigger app. You'll only have one option in the Select trigger menu so go ahead and click Save + Continue.

Next, you'll need to connect your Twine and Zapier accounts. When you click Connect an account you'll be taken to a new tab that asks for your API Key and Your Twine domain. Here's where to find them:

  • API Key – go into your Twine account settings, scroll to the bottom and you should see an option for Zapier. If you don't, drop us a message and we'll turn it on for you.

  • Your Twine Domain – this one's easy – just use whatever URL you use to access Twine whether it's something like or

Your Twine account should now be connected to Zapier.

Connecting Slack to Zapier

Next, we'll need to connect Zapier to your Slack account. 

Click Add a step in the lefthand menu and select Action/Search. Then, look for Slack like we did with Twine earlier.

Then, in the Choose action section scroll down and select Find user by email

In the next section, you'll need to connect your Slack workspace.

Next, in the Set up options section, click the menu button to the right of the Username field and then select Recipient Email Address. 

Let's skip the Test this step section.

Sending a message to Slack

Now, we'll need to add another Slack step. Just as we did before, click Add a step > Action/Search > Slack. Except this time in the Choose action section we'll select Send Direct Message.

Skip ahead to the Setup template section. Where it says To username click the arrow to the right, scroll all the way to the bottom and select Use a custom variable (advanced).

You should now be able to see the Custom Value for To Username ID field. Click the menu button the right of this field, then click Find user by email and select ID.

You can now customise your message in the Message text field. We're going to keep things simple. 

First, write something like New notification on Twine:  

Then, click the menu button to the right, select Notification and then select URL. Then do the same again and select Subject instead of URL.

Now, we'll need to format this. Place these fields between an < and an >, and add an | in between them. It should look like this:

Then, add a name for this notification where it says Bot Name. I'm going to call ours Twine.

Then, add an image where it says Bot Icon. You can either use :robot_face: for the 🤖emoji or add an URL of your logo.

Here's what a message will look like:

Skip the test and we can now turn on our new Zapier integration. Whenever a user is sent a notification in Twine, it'll also be sent to them in Slack by our bot.

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